Prince Henry
To promote recognition of Henry Sinclair, 14th Century explorer
of North America, and to celebrate the 600th anniversary in 1998
July 1998 Issue
Published by Prince Henry Project Committee
65 Hartwell Street, West Boylston, MA, 01583, USA
Phone: 508-835-2900 Fax: 508-835-2944
E-Mail: henry1398@aol.com
John S. Quarterman
History is being made at 600th Celebration Events
In this article we shall report on several of the
Celebration Events, which occured within the last
several months. They have been hailed as supurb
from all those attending, and a fine credit to
Prince Henry Sinclair. To date, thousands of
people have learned about our 14th century hero.
Nineteen more Events will occur from now until
the end of this Sixtennial Year.
As reported earlier, the Scottish Festival in
Moultrie, GA, featured Prince Henry.
Presentations in a symposium format covered the
life and voyage of Henry Sinclair, Templar history,
and Rosslyn Chapel. Beth Gay, who was the
organizer, is commended on conducting such a
successful event.
Also in February, Neil St. Clair reports that
Parrsboro, NS, and the District Board of Trade
celebrated the 600th Anniversary at their annual
banquet. It featured a Medieval Feast, a piper,
and a talk about Prince Henry s voyage.
On June 2 in Halifax, NS, the Clan Sinclair
Society of Nova Scotia hosted a Medieval Feast in
honor of Prince Henry. Dressed in 14th century
clothing, the Nova Scotia Society for Creative
Anachronism prepared and served full course
meals and entertainment, including a jousting
tournament, in which the Sinclair Knights were
victors. It was an evening of fun, capped off by
Scottish dancing. Much credit goes to Bill Sinclair
and his committee.
Next, on June 7, a gala event attended by 350
occurred at Halfway Cove, located on Route 16 in
Guysborough, NS. It was a re-dedication of the
Memorial to Prince Henry Sinclair. Speakers
included Myles McPherson (a director of PHSS),
Kerry Prosper (Chief of the Afton Mi kmaq
Band), Blair George (local Deputy Warden), Ray
White (Member of the Legislative Assembly),
Peter MacKay (Member of Parliament), Phil
Hockman (member of the Recreation
Commission). A special announcement by Niven
Sinclair was read. Following the speeches, native
foods were prepared by the Mi kmaq, who also
displayed handicrafts and drum beat rhythms.
Much credit goes to D Elayne and Richard
Coleman for this memorable occasion.
The heavy rains caused the Central Massachusetts
Highland Games, in Leicester, MA, to be cancelled
on June 13th. Clan Douglas and a contingent of
Templars were on site, ready to commemorate
Prince Henry, but unfortunately very few saw Art
& Cindy Douglas and Mike Kaulback.
Torrential rains on the following day again caused
the cancellation of the Grand Master's Fair in
Charlton, MA. Thanks are extended to Ken Swift,
Matt Mallard, and Mike Kaulback for being
prepared to disseminate information about Prince
In Midlothian, IL, Prince Henry was the center of
attention thanks to the efforts of Gordon Sinclair
Flaws and Norma Jean, who hosted a very
impressive display at their Sinclair Tent at the
Illinois Highland Games on June 27th. Gordon
had provided the town with dozens of large
banners, bearing the Scottish Cross. These were
placed along the main roads in the town. In
addition, Gordon had composed eight educational
articles which are being printed in the newspaper,
coinciding with a contest in the schools to award
those students who comprehended most from
these articles. The goal is for people to learn
more about their Scottish history, and especially
the saga of Prince Henry Sinclair.
Sinclair Symposium planned for September
Presentations will be scheduled at NH Highland
Games in the Heritage Center on Sept 18, 1998,
and at the Westford Regency Hotel on Sept 22,
1998. Admission is free. Seats are on a first-
come-first-served basis for each session, open to
all. The sessions are described on the next page:
- Genealogy, by Beth Gay
Many persons can trace their ancestry back to Prince Henry
Sinclair, and earlier. This session will explain how people can
study their genealogy and determine their family roots. Published
references will be employed, including the new book, Genealogy
of Prince Henry Sinclair. Beth Gay is the editor of
The Family Tree
and is well known for her genealogical credentials.
- Attracting Youngsters, by Elaine Fowler
This is a "show & tell" session of innovative techniques which can
be employed by parents and teachers to introduce the subjects of
Scottish heritage, Medieval castles & knights, 14th century sailing
ships, Native Americans, exploration, and Prince Henry. Elaine
Fowler is a teacher and educator, who has researched and
prepared a curriculum on the 1398 Expedition.
- Sinclair History, by Gordon S. Flaws
The St. Clair/Sinclair family originated in Normandy, France, in
the 9th century. It spread at the time of William the Conqueror
to England and Scotland, in the 11th century. With very close
ties to the Scottish and English Kings, this family played a key
role in Medieval history. Rosslyn has been their most revered
home for nearly 1000 years. Gordon Sinclair Flaws combines
much of the research of Niven Sinclair with his own natural
talent to bring family history alive to the audience.
- Rosslyn Chapel
Located close to Rosslyn Castle is Rosslyn Chapel, which was
built in the mid 15th century by William Sinclair. It is filled with
hundreds and hundreds of stone carvings having great
significance to Prince Henry, Freemasonry, Christianity, and
students of the Green Man. Color slides will illustrate this
- Newport Tower, by Suzanne O. Carlson
In New England there is a significant archaeological site, which
gives indications that Prince Henry Sinclair set his feet on the
North American continent in the 14th century. Suzanne is a
noted lecturer and author on historical sites and she is listed in
Who's Who in America. She will discuss the origins and
architectural design of the
Newport Tower.
Her article "Tilting
at Windmills: Newport Tower" was published in the
NEARA Journal.
- Templar History, by Michael Kaulbeck
the 2nd century the Pope formed the Knights Templar to
protect Christians making pilgrimages to the Holy Land. Henri
Sinclair was one of the nine original Knights. Through the years,
other Sinclairs participated, and in 1308 when the Templars were
suppressed, many of them escaped to the Sinclair estates in
Scotland, hosted by Prince Henry's grandfather. Two generations
later, many Knights formed the crew for the 1398 exploration of
America led by Prince Henry Sinclair. Michael Kaulback is
uniquely qualified to speak on this subject, for he is the Library
Technician at the Grand Lodge in Boston.
- Prince Henry's Voyage, by Pete Cummings
This session describes the voyage of 1398 led by Prince Henry
Sinclair. It includes the reasons for the trip, a view of the route,
and "proofs" that it really occurred. Color slides will be used,
along with portions of a video produced by Niven Sinclair,
entitled "The Prince Henry Voyage - Beyond All Shadow of
Doubt". Pete is the chairman of the Prince Henry Project
Committee and serves as the VP of the Prince Henry Sinclair
New Genealogy book
The Clan Sinclair Archives is available in two,
brand new, hard-covered volumes. One book of
417 pages includes all known descendants of
Prince Henry. The other book of 450 pages has
the descendants of other Sinclairs/St. Clairs whose
linkage with Prince Henry is unknown. Both
volumes will be sold by the Higginson Book
Company. Place orders at the Clan Gathering or
PO Box 158, Worcester, MA, 01613.
Clan Gathering Registrations should be returned now!
Mary Selver, Vice Chair of the Clan Gathering,
reports that plans are falling into place for a
memorable Gathering. The Banquet, Reception,
Harbor Cruise, and Exeter Luncheon are open
ONLY to those who have pre-paid and registered!
Avoid disappointment. Send yours today.
Registration forms for our Clan Gathering in
Westford, MA, have been mailed by our Clan
Sinclair Headquarters to all clansmen. They are
also being handed out by Clan Commissioners.
For those with computers, these forms are
available at our Web Sites, which are
and at
The deadline for sending your Registrations is
August 20th. Send them to Clan Gathering, 65
Hartwell St, West Boylston, MA, 01583 along with
your check for the activities in which you wish to
Separate registrations are necessary for the NH
Highland Games. They were mailed to the Clan
Sinclair membership and the 600th Celebration
Newsletter lists. On the Internet the forms may be
obtained at
Tickets for most activities at the Games can be
purchased at the gate as you arrive.
Medieval Side trips
Many people are planning to visit other sights
while they visit New England. Some of the side
trips include the Higgins Armory Museum in
Worcester, MA; King Richards's Faire in Carver,
MA; Medieval Manor in Boston, MA. At a little
farther distance, there is Nova Scotia, only 2-1/2
hours by the new hi-speed car ferry from Bar
Harbor, ME. Contact Pete Cummings at the
address on this newsletter for further information
on any of these attractions.
Take Prince Henry's photo!
Thanks to Annette Hixenbaugh, a Clan
Commissioner in Oklahoma, you will be able to
meet Prince Henry face to face. You can even
take his picture. Annette is an accomplished
seamstress and has made a true-to-life costume of
our 14th century hero. Enactors of Prince
Henry, Sir James Gunn, & Monks will attend our
Clan Gathering in Westford and the NH Highland
Games. (Volunteers are needed to act these roles.
Contact us today if you are interested.)
Celebrate Prince Henry's 600th anniversary!
Clan Sinclair.
Last update: 99/06/20 11:36:39