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Prince Henry & The PHSSofNA
Dear Laurel,
Do you think this is OK to put on the list?
Relative to the Prince Henry Sinclair Society of North America and
because of the amount of controversy regarding the authenticity of the
word Prince created on this list, I want to inform (explain) to the
members on this list, the Society background, its 'reason for being'
andits stance on this particular subject
First of all, let me say that we do not have 'proof' that Henry St.
Clair was a bona fide Prince (nor does anyone else that I know of but
see the use of 'Prince' further on in this message).
Secondly - we do not claim to be able to 'prove' that Henry was in North
America nor that he caused the Westford Knight or the Newport Tower to
be created. (however see reference to 'Shadow of a Doubt' further on).
Thirdly - Not being able to 'prove' the above, we have accepted
Frederick Pohl's research at face value. Frederick Pohl was a
University English teacher who devoted most of his life to historical
research and writing and after ten years of sleuthing produced the
amazing account of Henry's voyage and exploration
Relative to 'proof' of the Prince Henry Sinclair Voyage to North America
Mr. Niven Sinclair of London, UK, has ferreted out numerous facts that
tend to corroborate this story. He has published, under the title
"Beyond the Shadow of a Doubt", a list of facts that he has carefully
researched and offered as "proofs" of the Sinclair Voyage to North
America in 1398.
I will happily publish these 'proofs' on this list if anyone so requests
me to do so. Although previously published there may be some on the
list who have not seen them and actually, a review of them may not hurt.
As published in our newsletter of February 2001: "The PHSSAof NA was
organized in 1992 by D'Elayne and Richard Coleman, summer residents in
Guysborough, Nova Scotia, Canada. After reading the book written by
Frederick J. Pohl entitled "Prince Henry Sinclair-His Expedition to the
New World in 1398" Richard and D'Elayne were so impressed with the
probability of the event (one that is practically unknown to the world
at large) and of the story praising a relatively unknown man as: "a man
as worthy of immortal memory as any that ever lived" they decided that
someone should not let this 'immortal memory" die and they appointed
themselves for the task and set about organizing the Society. They have
continued to initiate and carry out programs and have provided much
funding for accomplishing the:
'Objects of the
which are (and I quote from the Society 'Memorandum of
1. To promote the recognition of Henry Sinclair, Earl of the Orkneys,
as the first documented European explorer of North America.
2. Aid research for the confirmation of his historical legacy as it
relates to his North American exploration
Documentation referred to above is 'The Zeno Narrative"
The St. Clair/Sinclair Clan genealogist, the late Pete Cummings and
Laurel Fechner, the Clan Historian (until very recently) have been the
most instrumental in carrying out the first 'Objective' in their
prolific amount of publications and writings.
Secondly, Laura Zolo, an Italian yachtswoman, with a male companion and
two dogs, in a 11-meter steel hulled boat, departed from Italian waters
in March 2000 to retrace the route taken by Henry, starting the voyage
by visiting the old Knights Templar and Venetian Trading Ports along the
Mediterranean coast spreading the word of Henry's voyage as she went.
She arrived in Guysborough, Nova Scotia, Henry's deduced landing place,
on 8 September 2000. This organization, Clan Sinclair of Nova Scotia,
Clan Sinclair of Canada, members of Clan Sinclair USA and all of
Guysborough welcomed her joyously upon her arrival. This organization
planned, co-ordinated and executed the arrival welcoming and
contributed considerable funding to her enterprise.
Object #2 has been followed up essentially by D'Elayne and Richard
Coleman who have travelled extensively in searching for additional data.
I have in my possession a 'Guide to Rosslyn Chapel & Castle, Hawthornden
&c. by The Rev. John Thompson F.S.A., Chaplain to the Right Hon. the
Earl of Rosslyn, presented to an indulgent public - Easter 1892' -
printed in Edinburgh, Scotland. ----- On page 24 it states:
"SIR WILLIAM, the eighth Baron from David I. He married Isabel or
Elizabeth de Stratherne, daughter and co-heiress of Malise, Prince of
Orkney, Earl of Caithness & Stratherne. He died in 1358 and was
succeeded by his son,
SIR HENRY, who thus became first Prince of Orkney, recognition whereof
he obtained from Hakon VI., King of Norway, 1379" (I, Neil, must assume
here that he meant the first St.Clair/Sinclair Prince of Orkney since,
as shown above, Malise had held that title previously).
This book then expresses his son, Henry, as the 2nd Prince and his son,
William as the third and last Prince of Orkney.
Because of common usage from long ago until the present and of Henry's
depicted sterling character this organization will continue to refer to
Henry St. Clair as 'Prince' Henry.
Neil St. Clair (director in the PHSSofNA)