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Re: John Walker
Thank you cousins...
The group's collective wisdom on the "water of life" brought a much needed
smile to my face, and I appreciate it.
I took my Scots-Irish relations to the top of the twin towers on a bright,
beautiful, amazingly clear day this past spring, a day much like 9/11...
Despite the time that has passed, I can't get the memories of the families
that crowded the rooftop out of my mind. Thanks for giving me, Steve,
Donald and all the other Americans who have posted on the Sinclair list an
opportunity to vent on this subject. It has helped, and I am very
appreciative. Despite the occasional intemperate remark by myself (sorry
about that!) or by others, it has been a fascinating and rewarding
experience to discuss these issues in some depth with a bunch of very
intelligent folks who have a very different perspective on events than
mine. Thanks!
My very best wishes to you all for a happy healthy Christmas season and a
better New Year!
PS the comments by Rory on McClelland were most revealing.... I had thought
I was crazy because sometimes a bottle of McClelland would taste remarkably
good, while at other times the same "generic" type would be quite mediocre.
Now I understand why!
DJHSMFS@aol.com wrote:
> Gentlemen, I know it's from South of Caithness! However the Glenmorangie
> must be considered worthy of a place in our cabinet! All the best for
> Christmas and the New Year. Donald J.H.