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Pre Conquest Sinclair in England
Sinclairs were England long before the Norman conquest. King Offa (AD 757-796) was the king of Mercia, an Anglo-Saxon kingdom. He was one of the most powerful Anglo-Saxon kings and controlled the territory south of the River Humber, taking in most of England. Recently, Niven has by hard work, has identified Sinclair names from the Doomsday Book. Many of names identified are pre conquest names.
Philippe Sinclair who died 844 was the first one who we can clearly identify. He was in the Earl of Tarleton. The Barons of Sinclair. Were Tudur 1 and 2, Raymond, Trilla, Quinna. The original Holy Light (Saint Clair) title Holders were men who protected the Merovingian kings of France. Charlemagne sent to his friend and correspondent, Offa, king of Mercia. Sinclairs around 780. Interestingly enough the spelling was then Sinclair. This is the list of people bearing the title Sinclair in pre conquest Mercia in the Earldom of Tarleton and Barony of Sinclair are . Sinclair, Adelphia; Sinclair, Albert; Sinclair, Bonner; Sinclair, Bonner (1); Sinclair, Dauphine; Sinclair, Duvessa Alpina; Sinclair, Lauretta; Sinclair, Neva; Sinclair, Paulin; Sinclair, Paulina; Sinclair, Peter; Sinclair, Philippe; Sinclair, Quinna; Sinclair, Raymond; Sinclair, Trilla; Sinclair, Tudur; Sinclair, Tudur (1). The multiple names designated by (1) are repeated names in different generations.