While pulling every Sinclair/St. Clair I can find
from the Loyalist Claims or the early military records, I came across the
following info (at the end of this e-mail) on three different Sir John Sinclair
(two that are father & son mention in the same document).
Curiousity, asks:
Which Sinclair families do they belong
Did they stay in North America or did they go back
to Great Britian
Did they have any children?
And any person on this list related to
I also, came across a loyalist document for a
George Sinclair (from Chester County, Pennsylvania who setted in New Brunswick),
& a John Sinclair from New York who settled in Jamica.
Also, I have a Scottish Genealogist Society
Magazine (copy is from about 1975) which has a article written about the
scientist, George Sinclair (born about the 1600's) & his genealogy. It
was written by Grant Carr-Harris, who it seems (from the acticle) has done
an extensive research on the Sinclair families in Scotland. Has anyone
seen his research (or know where it can be found)??? I do know that he has
written a book on the Harris Family (which shows that he came from
Oakville, Ontario). And I have talked to a renowned genealogist (in
Ontario) who has informed me that Grant Carr-Harris has passed
Rexdale, Ontario
27 Feb, 1783
Sinclair, Sir John for himself, & Lady
Sinclair, Pensylvania
His father died in consequence of a wound received
last War under Genr Bradock
Lady Sinclair inherited two Estates, the one in
Buck County, Pensylvania, & the other near Philadelphia, called
Windrow? The Annual produce of each was £250p
Annum. Lady Sinclair had £2,000 left by Sir Jno Sinclair for the use of
his Mother & himself & was put into the hands of Mr. Stephens who has
never accounted for it. He gave a ganiuty? on some transfer at New York
which are now burnt. The Deeds are in procession of Lieut Gov Elliott
--Lady Sinclair has no other property in England or elsewhere --is an only son--
his father in law Col Templar who has since married Lady Sinclair has supported
them both. Col Templar has nothing now that the amount of his
Sir John has nothing more than his commission of
Ensign to live upon, he was ordered to Minor or by way of & his journey cost
him £300.
Sir Jno Sr had 15,000 acres in York Gov't, some
parts of which were cultivated & for which he was offered £7,000 --does not
know it was confiscated, but has reason to think so.
A Certificate from Col Templar that Lady Sinclair
Est/Lot was worth £140 a year also from Gen'l Gage that the £2,000 was left by
her husband to her & her son's use -- Lady Sinclair is 45? --Sir John 18
years of age -- She was at Montreal in Canada when the Rebellion broke
out. She was obliged to come to England & has never received any
Remittances from her Estates.
A certificate from Gen'l Tryon to Sir J. S. having
a large tract of land. Sior John believe that there was not profit or
produce from his own Estate from the time of his Father's Death to the
DECISION (£100 per annum)
His Father was a Colonel & married Lady
Sinclair in America by whom he got some property. He afterward by Grants
& made it a considerable Estate. There appears to likewise to be a Sum
of Money (£2,000) seetled upon Lady Sinclair & Sir John, which is in the
hands of an American who refuses payment. Lady Sinclair presented a
memorial some years ago to the Lords of the Treasury who decided upon it that it
was not a Case to which they could extand any Annual Allowance upon this
Principle as we apprehend that Lady Sinclair had married Col. Templar who was
able to support her. We subserive in great measure so that Doctrine as far
as it apllies to annual Allowance & therefore We think that we cannot with
Propriety recommend any thing to be given to Lady Sinclair. But we feel
ourselves at the same time at Liberty to give that circumstance its Weight in
the Allowance which we should recommend to Sir John who is an Ensign in a
Marching Regiment without Fortune.
Under all the Circumstances of this Case without
imfringing the Rule properly laid down by the Treasury, We think that Sir John
Sinclair should receive an allowance of £100 a year & that it should
commence for the 5th January. We think it proper to add that wh have made
the Allowance to Sir John larger with a Wish that Lady Sinclair may in
some shape or other felt the Benefit of it.
Sir John St. Clair presents his compts to the Commissions of American
Claims and hope they will grant him an order for the rest of his pension on the
American Establishment of £100 per annum. He would have done himself the
honor of waiting on the Commission but being lately recovered from an illness
presents him but his friend Wm. Cole the Bearer has been so kind as to appear
for him as he heard this day that their Commission expires tomorrow.
London Wednesday Morg?? (His signature???)
March 24, 1790
Mr Cotton presents his compliments to Sir John Sinclair and acquairts hime
that he has not received any orders from the commison for American claims,
respecting the payment of his Allowance of £100 per annum, from the 5 Jan 1789,
and would recomend it to him to apply to the Commision this day, as their
commision expires tomorrow.
Trreasury Chambers
Wedn'd morn. |