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Fwd: Scotland's Royal Tribute video
We have received the following from the Erskine Hospital:
nan.mcculloch@erskine.org.uk Thu Dec 07 13:15:44 2000
From: nan mcculloch <nan.mcculloch@erskine.org.uk>
To: "'iain.laird@btinternet.com'"
Subject: Scotland's Royal Tribute video
Date: Thu, 7 Dec 2000 13:13:07 -0000
X-Mailer: Internet Mail Service (5.5.1960.3)
Re. your e-mail. We do have copies in NTSC form. The
cost is twelve
pounds and 99 pence (my pound sign is not working!) plus post and
package of three pounds for overseas. We can accept payment
by credit
card or U.S./Canadian dollar cheques.
At present the video is only available thro' this office. I
forward to hearing from you.
Kind regards,
Nan McCulloch
Yours aye
Iain Laird
will take you to my current ISP
iain@iain-laird.co.uk will take you to my current e-mail