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Re: letters re. "skull and bones" and "flake"
Specifically to Jean Grigsby,
but to any one else who is interested.
I am Jean Sinclair Stokes: I am also known as Sinead. I am Australian, my
lineage back to Caithness is as clear as day. I know who my father, grand
father , great grand father, etc were.I have stood at their graves
in the cemetery at the Clan Gunn Museum. I am Niven Sinclair's second
cousin and my interest in the wider spread parts of the Clan,is to a
great part, purely academic. I have already stated my daughter is
Margaret Sinclair Stokes, Clan President of Clan Sinclair Australia
who is our family geneologist and I have not, never will be, likely
to correspond off list about geneology. Nor have I any publication from
you nor do I know who Toni Sinclair is, which I am sure is remiss of me.
I know that you are American, a geneologist and that is about it.
I believe you have children, may be a grandma but nothing
else, and just quietly, I would be more interested in knowing more
about your real life than you believe possible. I am a
But that is not the purpose of the list.
I took great pleasure in going to Sinclair Girnigoe with Niven and
Iain Sutherland of Wick, and we are thoroughly enjoying having Malcolm to
stay with us while he is in Melbourne. My major interest is in creating
links in the modern family of Sinclair.
As Niven says we do have to know our roots, but the future is where we
are going.
Sinclair Stokes
letter from Toni Sinclair to the site dated Nov. 1, 2000 in which she
states that "Jean and I will be corresponding off the list, since we
haven't snagged anyone else looking for New Orleans and Memphis
Sinclairs". I cannot invision why I would be wanting to
"snag" anyone for anything so I assume she was referring to
As I stated I do not know "Toni Sinclair". I am not
interested in New Orleans and
Memphis SInclairs. Isn't a "snag" an obstruction in a
Since I have sent Toni an unpublished but
copyrighted portion of a book from my Archives on this Louisiana/Memphis
branch, I am unsure if she was referring to me or if she was referring to
you or even to someone else on the list.
If it takes too long to sign your real name,
forget it.
Why should I forget my real name? I offered to use my nickname Sinead ,
so that you would not be confused with me.