In looking through the new databases, I happened across a
Sinclair with an interesting path of residence: birth in Strasbourg, France
in 1903; to USA in 1913; lifetime settlement in Princeton, Kentucky. It
looks like he went by "Singler", but the headstone notes show the link to
Sinclair. Not sure if anyone is likely to connect to this gentleman, but I
don't suppose there were a great number of Sinclairs inAlsace in 1903, so the
recognition factor could be immediate.
Copied in the following:
Search Results
Search Terms: SINCLAIR (1)
Database: Cedar Hill Cemetery, Princeton, Caldwell County, Kentucky, 1780-1998
Combined Matches: 1
Name Birth Date Death Date
(A native of Strasburg, Alsace, France. His family name was Sinclair, came to
America at the age of 10 years old. On Oct. 29, 1934 he married Miss Annie
Curry. Happily married nearly 52 years he was a man of rare intellectual,
endowment, a prolific reader and through out his long life, remained faithful
to his beloved Alsace in sunny France. Interment followed funeral in Cedar
Hill) Annie Curry Singler n/r Chester A. Sisk 1903 1987
Information from:
Database notes:
In the quiet county of Caldwell, Kentucky, where the population has remained
at about 13,000 for the past century, is the county seat of Princeton. Cedar
Hill Cemetery is one of the oldest cemeteries of the town. This database is a
collection of headstone inscriptions from the cemetery and includes over
6,700 persons. Information provided includes birth and death dates and in
some cases family relationships (i.e. son of, wife of, etc.). With dates
ranging from the late 1700's up through mid-1998, this can be a helpful
collection for those seeking ancestors from Kentucky.
Source Information:
Fowler, Deborah. Cedar Hill Cemetery of Princeton Kentucky. Orem, UT:
Ancestry, Inc., 2000.
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