Greetings Donna, when these 70 people of yours come I would like ,if it's
not to much trouble, ask them if anyone has heard of a Flora Bell McBeth (
McBeath ) Sinclair, Duncan's Sinclair, third wife. Metis researchers
say she is buried at Charlotte North Carolina. would appreciate your
Donald H. Sinclair Swan River Manitoba Canada
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Friday, October 06, 2000 8:19
Subject: Sinclairs in North
Christine Carver here again and now that I
know Boissy's father was John Sinclair and her mother was Elizabeth Mund in
Moore CO. N. Carolina, was wondering if anyone could help me with background
or anything about N. Carolina during the 1700's. Any thing would be more than
I know now. And I have 70 people coming to reunion tomorrow to ask me
questions about Sinclairs background. I do have the tartan colors printed out,
how about family crests ? Yes I know I sound so simple but am so excited to
find out more.
God Bless All, Christine Carver