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Re: The "Sword of Peace"
Dear Euan,
Is there some problem with your computer? It keeps sending me messages
that should nor , by rights , be here for another month? eg 1/11.
It is a worry.
How's the new house by the bye? We are in the process of installing
a new oven. I siadAt 10:30 PM 2/11/00 +0000, you wrote:
Dear Niven
do you have photos for release of either event?
If so I will post to clansinclair.org without delay.
Thnaks for the genealogical information via
Ian. very helpful - I will pursue Milamba.
We have just got a new springer spaniel puppy
called Jock. He's liver and wjhite and 6 months old. What a rascal. man's
best friend, though.
I do hope that sometime you could visit -
from the sounds of things, you're very busy, but if you need a rest,
please come to stay with us in Aberlour.
Yours aye,
- ----- Original Message -----
- From: Niven Sinclair
- To:
john@avalon.netcom.net.uk ; knox@bbc.co.uk
- Cc: sinclairclanchief@girnigoetrust.freeserve.co.uk ; tim@templartim.freeserve.co.uk ; finstown@aol.com ; phss@sympatico.com ; Wbillsinc@aol.com ; manxminx_99@yahoo.com ; sinclair@matrix.net
- Sent: Tuesday, October 03, 2000 10:41 AM
- Subject: The "Sword of Peace"
- The "Sword of Peace" was presented by Malcolm Sinclair, the Earl of Caithness, to Benjamin
- Sylliboy, the Grand Chief of the Mi'kmaq Nation in recognition of the welcome which they gave
- to Henry Sinclair when he landed on their shores in 1398 (although we now believe that it may
- have been 1396 and again in 1398) and to the welcome which they have extended to succeeding
- generations of Scots who now call the country Nova Scotia.
- The ceremony was a deeply moving occasion which had (and has) great historical significance
- at a time when there is a great need for a rapprochement between immigrants and the indigenous
- people who have not always been treated with the desired courtesy and sensitivity.
- The presentation redressed this omission.
- The "Sword of Peace" had the work 'peace' inscribed on its blade in 206 different languages
- including Mi'kmaqi and Inuit (Eskimo). It also had the Mi'kmaq symbolism which the three
- Mi'kmaq elders, who had attended the Sinclair Symposium in Orkney in 1997, had identified
- on the Kirkwall Scroll. This scroll, which is believed to be the oldest Masonic document in
- existence and which hangs in the Masonic Lodge in Kirkwall, has been carbon dated to the 14th
- Century and tends to give further proof of the cultural diffusion which has been taking place
- between the Old World and the New World for many centuries - indeed for millennia.
- The "Sword of Peace" also had the Sinclair engrailed cross on its blade and has now pride of
- place in the Mi'kmaq museum as a tangible reminder of the long association which they have
- had with Scotland, in general, and with the Sinclairs, in particular. There is clear evidence of
- genetic infusion as well as cultural diffusion.
- The "Sword of Peace" was specially crafted and designed by Wilkinson Sword of London.
- I am hopeful the contacts, which I have sent by separate e-mail, will be able to provide you with
- suitable film for a news slot.
- A separate but equally newsworthy story is the voyage which Laura Zolo has made from Venice
- via Orkney to the New World in the wake of the Zeno Brothers and Prince Henry Sinclair. This
- intrepid Italian woman has given 'physical expression' to that which we have been talking about
- for years and, in so doing, has gained more real publicity for the 1398 voyage than anything
- which our own somewhat pedestrian efforts have achieved.
- Laura has faced the papal winds of the Mediterranean; the perils of the Bay of Biscay, the Atlantic
- Gales, as she followed the Viking route via Orkney, Shetland, the Faroes, Iceland, Greenland,
- Labrador, Newfoundland and, finally, to the protected inner harbour of Guyborough in Nova Scotia
- where Prince Henry Sinclair had found a similar escape from the storms over 600 years ago.
- Times have changed but the relentless sea remains the same. Laura's little yacht, the "7 Roses"
- would fit into most people's kitchens. I, for one, wouldn't have ventured across a mill-pond in her.
- Laura has spent 9 months replicating an historic voyage which deserves to have its rightful place
- in the history of Venice, Scotland and the New World.
- It is a sad indictment of our failure to give credit to our own heroes that it has been left to the tiny
- figure of a young and beautiful Italian woman to set us an example of courage, determination and
- seamanship of the very highest order.
- Laura is newsworthy. Laura is enchanting. Laura is humble as only those who have had to face
- danger (day in and day out) invariably are. She is a genuine heroine. She deserves her own page
- in history.
- Niven Sinclair