Dear All,
It's a bit dull being out of the Gathering just now
and I feel it too. I was due to go Edinburgh for the festivies but I
decided on balance that I could stay in Elgin and pack to move house to
Aberlour next week (after all I can Edinburgh any time really). Well
I haven't done much on the packing front but my thoughts go to
Edinburgh tonight and the tattoo but I don't mind. I had hoped that Malcolm
would send some photos over the internet to post on, but I
believe he's being run ragged just now by the whole thing and I sympathize with
I'm off to Noss head tomorrow and I promise I'll
post some photos to the web site for those who remain furth of Scotland and I'll
drop a note to the list to say when they're up.
For those who can't come this year for
whatever reason, do not be too despondent: I very much suspect that Sinclair Bay
Trading Co. will pick up on the demand this year and offer a package every year,
although perhaps not on the same scale!!
Cheers :-)