- To: sinc <"sinclair@zilker.net"@"sinclair@zilker.net">
- Subject: Chairs in Rosslyn and a few other things
- From: John Duguid <DUGUID@a1.tornes.snl.co.uk>
- Date: Wed, 21 Jun 2000 09:36:21 GMT+0100
- A1-type: MAIL
- Delivery-date: Wed, 21 Jun 2000 09:36:00 GMT+0100
- Importance: high
- Posting-date: Wed, 21 Jun 2000 09:36:22 GMT+0100
- Sensitivity: Company-Confidential
Niven . I remember a while back you mentioned that there used to be chairs in
Rosslyn used by the heads of 9 families who used to meet at Rosslyn. These
chairs used to have the crests of each family on the back. Another list I
subscribe to has been discussing Rosslyn and I wondered if you had any other
information on the chairs / families and perhaps a reference to the meetings.
On another topic. I'm off to Brittany on Saturday. I am aware the Normandy is
the home of many Sinclairs and Sinclair history but does anyone know of any
Sinclair connections to the Brittany area.
To finish off I'd just like to throw in my 2p worth on the friction discussion.
I've been on the list for a couple of years now , and sometimes I feel like I'm
a bit of an intruder not really having any true Sinclair connections, I do
however find this very friendly and informative. John you have a lovely light
touch with your list management and without you, Niven,Laurel,Neil, and many
others on the list(Rory for his piping and whisky tips), where would we be. All
these cumulative years of knowledge being on tap .. What a resource at our
fingertips. I really look forward to reiceiving my Sinclair Digest each day and
would be very disappointed if anything should happen to the detriment of this
wonderful list. Please Please keep up the good work.
So I'm off on holiday for a fortnight hope the list is still going strong when
I return.
Yours Aye