Niven check the word Clan litteral translation
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Tuesday, May 02, 2000 7:09 PM
Subject: Re: Clan Memberships
At 00:10 03/05/00 +1000, you wrote:
Hello Scottie,
Welcome to the Sinclair
list! Where do you hail from? That's very true you know - a clan
is not an incorporated body - I don't rightly recall anyone saying it
was! BUT a Clan Association generally is an incorporated body, and I
believe there was mention of Clan Associations rather than Clans per
se. And it's great to hear your world is about being alive! :)
Hopefully everyone's is!
Regards Margaret :)
At 11:16 PM
2/05/00, you wrote:
I don't know about other
people but I'm not motley. I am a Clansman. I support my
Chief. A Clan is not a legal incorporated body. It IS a
family. As far as I'm concerned, I'm related to every Sinclair there
is! Your world may be about bits of paper, mine's about being ALIVE!
glad you are "alive" otherwise you e-mail might have suggested a message
from the other side.
Alas, so many people are dead but don't know it
or have committed partial suicide by failing to realise and, thereby,
release the true talents which lie within each and everyone of us.
Yes, a Clan is a family (it actually means a family in
Gaelic) and we are luckier than most in having a family which spans the
World and which has a lineage which we can be traced back for over a
thousand years.
Indeed, in a letter written by Henry, Lord
Sinclair from Shetland to King John of Denmark on 12th July, 1507 he takes
us back even further because he
in relation to the Earldom of Orkney and
Hietland (Shetland)
which lands for certain services to be done to
the Kings
of Norway were alienated heritably to my
progenitors even
before the birth of Christ"
The House of Odin was eventually
heired by the Sinclairs through two of the sons of Rogenwald, the premier
'jarl' of Norway.
Through Hrolf 'the Ganger' (known universally
as Rollo) we gain our Norman descent and our name of St Clair because the
Treaty which he signed with Charles 'the Simple' of France was signed at
Castle St Clair-sur-Epte.
Through his younger brother, Einar, who
became the 'jarl' of Orkney, we gain our Norse descent because the
descendants of these two brothers, Sir William St Clair of Rosslyn and
Isabel, the daughter of Malise II of Orkney, married and gave birth to a son
who inherited his Orcadian 'jarldom' through his mother and his Scottish
Estates through his father.
This man was Prince Henry Sinclair who
made a momentous voyage to the New World in 1398 - almost 100 years before
Most of you already know this but it deserves to be
repeated again and again until this PrInce of Men eventually gets his
rightful place in
history. Scottie,
please join me and other Sinclairs in this great Crusade. It doesn't
matter if we belong to a Clan Society, a Clan Association or a Clan
Trust - they key factor is to belong, to participate, to be alive (as you
say) and in spreading the word to the younger generation so that they, too,
might be proud to bear the name of Sinclair (and the responsibilities and
duties which go with it).
Leave the semantics to other