Just to say thank you, Major Ron
Sinclair for driving the 10 hrs,up to Scotland and giving me nearly 3 weeks of
your valuable time, stripping walls, doors and ceilings, and many valuable hours
of chat and wee drams.
18 doors, with 160 years worth of paint on them,
was no easy task, approx 15 coats per door, but with your help and support the
task was made far more pleasant, still a long way to go rubbing them down with
wire wool but non the less a step nearer. You gave us the most precious thing a
busy man can give,
I must also say that you made the best morning
brose I have ever tasted.
If we could get a few more like minded people,
who were prepared to roll up their sleeves and get stuck in, like you did,
it could get the results we require a lot quicker, but I suppose there are not
that many Major Ron Sinclair's about.
Once again from our Chief and myself many thanks
Yours Aye
Ian Sinclair of Noss