And some piper he is to let me
tell ya!!!!!! It is denay for nutin that he stands in the cold on the windswept
hillside over looking Lake Ontario playing his pipes! He is bonnie good I'll
vouch! Now his landlords and neighbours are just plain ignorant of true talent
but they are dena Scottish like we are. Oriental music is well different, and in
Toronto the greeks and portuguese play to the sound of a different drummer. But
I'll vouch someday Rory will be in Cape Breton
standing in
Neils Harbour playing into the mist while the entire populance of the island
looks on and says with a collective sigh, "Now
there goes Rory Sinclair a true piper!"
signed his fan Neil
Hi Rob:
Got so busy with Gatherings and the Chief that I didna get to you to tell
you that Roy of New Zealand and Rory of Toronto are two different folk.
The piper is the latter .. me.
Rory |