Hi Roy,
My husband and I would be interested, but as we both work full time, and have 2 children, there isn't a lot of time left over! Hope you get a Sinclair Clan NZ off the ground.
Suzanne Sinclair
Remuera, Auckland
From: Niven Sinclair <niven@niven.co.uk>
To: sinclair@mids.org
Subject: Re: Clan in NZ
Date: Thu, 2 Mar 2000 11:53 PM
At 11:25 02/03/00 +1300, you wrote:
Hello Niven,
Yes there is a move to form a Sinclair Clan in NZ. I was challenged by the Chief Malcolm Sinclair, Earl of Caithness in November 1999 to do so. Up till now I have contacted people to form an establishment committee and proceed to register, we are a moving slowly but surely and we will keep you informed. If there are any Sinclairs' in NZ who are interested please contact me.
From the Scotland of the South capital Dunedin.
Great news, Roy
Try enlisting the aid of:
Robert G. Sinclair
341 West Tanaki Road.
Glen Innes,
Auckland 6
or his parents:
Gary Wardell Sinclair
Cherry Sinclair
Dr Neil Sinclair, (Dentist)
Oxford Building,
Sinclair Hughes,
Box 55019.
Auckland 5
I have had correspondence with other Sinclairs (usually by e-mail) but I am such a
disorganised kind of fellow that I have difficulty in tracing anything.
I have also a business to run which interferes with my clan activities or vice versa.
Malcolm, our Chief, will be delighted and, as he intends to make a visit to Australia
towards the end of the year, I am sure that he'd stretch his stay to include New Zealand.
I'd love to join him but it will all depend on pressure of business activities which, after
all, is what keeps the ball rolling.
Have you seen any of my films. If not, let me have your postal address and I'll send
you copies.
Niven Sinclair