Funnily enough
Laurel, many of those that were "left behind" had such deep connections with the
land that they actually believed it was the excess population that was
shoved off and pushed out: Just as any abundance in natural resources
is exported. And I'm not sure it was always the best of the crop that was
bundled up and sent to market.
I was just talking to Don about the
phenomena of the Scott's mark on history this morning. I believe
that this can be seen among the Jews that escaped from Germany and all the
other places before that. I read that the descendants of these Jews
became a remarkable race through the selection process. Those that
were smartest and had that spirit of preservation got out of Germany right
away thus preserving very intelligent people.
Could the same be said for the
Scotts? Those that were smarter and strongest were the ones that
survived the British, etc. by snatching up whatever opportunity came to
leave and make their mark in life. This would have drained much from the
genetic pool of Scotland perhaps.
As ever,