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Re: Ramsey, Darwin re fabric
[ This is the Sinclair family discussion list, sinclair@zilker.net.
[ For more information, see http://www.mids.org/sinclair/list.html
osaltsandy@thurston.com Darwin ,Long before I got on this Sinclair
discussion list I was in snail mail contact with you about the cotton
Sinclair fabric. I hear it's almost ready. Put us down for 5 yards of the
Ancient hunting and 5 yards of the modern tartan. Sandy Sinclair
> From: Ramsey-Styer, Darwin <RamseyD@dot.state.sc.us>
> To: 'sinclair@zilker.net'
> Cc: Art Lyall FTM 941/332-6975 (E-mail) <LYALL_A@ftm1.dep.state.fl.us>;
GDSinclair@aol. com (E-mail) <GDSinclair@aol.com>; lundmae (E-mail)
<lundmae@ocps.k12.fl.us>; majors@bitterroot. net (E-mail)
<majors@bitterroot.net>; Michael D. /sinclair (E-mail)
<76331.527@compuserve.com>; Susanne and David Wuertz (E-mail)
<swwuertz@sdcoe.k12.ca.us>; robert w brooks (E-mail) <smokey@scescape.net>;
LDARWIN (E-mail) <LDARWIN@fhssmtp.redstone.army.mil>
> Subject: fabric
> Date: Tuesday, July 28, 1998 11:26 AM
> [ This is the Sinclair family discussion list, sinclair@zilker.net.
> [ For more information, see http://www.mids.org/sinclair/list.html
> -------
> To all who may be concerned:
> As some of you know, I have been working on getting the Sinclair tartan
> woven in cotton. We're ready (finally!) The particulars are:
> A 100 % cotton twill, in both the Ancient Hunting and the Modern Dress.
> The price is $9.95 a yard plus 5% shipping and handling. We have to
> order a minimum of 350 yards to receive this price. Also, he wants a
> 50% down payment before they will even run the order.
> Please let me know ASAP by email, snail mail, or phone. Please be
> advised, my machine doesn't always work. I have received calls from
> some of you requesting fabric information but your phone number was cut
> off. I'm sorry I haven't called you back. Please call me again if I
> don't call back. My address and phone are included below. Thanks for
> everything, Darwin
> PS- please leave the "Styer" off my name. I am getting divorced and the
> post office forwards everything with "Styer" on it so I often don't
> receive my mail. Thanks
> Darwin Ramsey
> 2722 Glenwood Road
> Columbia SC 29204
> (803)790-1722
> [
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