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[ This is the Sinclair family discussion list, sinclair@zilker.net.
[ For more information, see http://www.mids.org/sinclair/list.html
Hi, This is from the Hume history---"In the time of Robert II (1371-1390)
Sir Patrick de Polwarth died, leaving an only child, Elizabeth, the last of
her race. She carried the broad lands of Powarth and Kimmerghame into the
Sinclair family, by her marriage with Sir John Sinclair of Herdmanston.
Their great-grandson, John Sinclair, died in the 15th century without male
issue. The estate of Herdmanston devolved on his brother Sir William
Sinclair (from whom the present Lord Sinclair is descended), but his lands
of Polwarth and Kemmerghame went to his daughters, Marion and Margaret.
The heiresses were young and beautiful; and among the many suitors that
flocked round them, those that met the greatest favour in their eyes were
the two brothers, George and Patrick, the young Humes of Wedderburn. The
ladies' uncle Sir William, fearing that their lands should go out of the
family, not only refused his consent, but removed his nieces from their
castle of Polwarth to lonely Herdmanston, his stronghold on the northern
slopes of Lammermuir. Though closely immured, they contrived, by the help
of an old beggar woman, to send a message to Wedderburn Castle. A day or
two later, a gallant train, headed by the two young lovers, rode over the
hills and drew rein beneath the castle walls. An angry parley followed the
demand for the restoration of their lady loves; but the 'Men o' the Merse'
were too strong to be resisted, and Sir William had the mortification of
seeing the heiresses borne away in triumph. The double marriage was
celebrated at Polwarth, and wedding-dance took place around the thorn-tree.
..... Marion, the elder of the two Sinclair heiresses married George
Hume or Wedderburn, from whom the later barons of that line descend. The
younger sister, Margaret, married his brother, Sir Patrick Hume of
Polwarth, from whom the Lords Polwarth and Earls of Marchmont descend."
From: Claire N. Simmons <c1933s@gis.net>
To: sinclair@zilker.net
Subject: Re:
Date: Wednesday, June 10, 1998 8:46 AM
Hello Helen I for one, would love to know more...Claire Simmons d. of
Harold St.Clair Simmons...Thanks
> From: Helen St.Clair <hstclair@nemr.net>
> To: sinclair@zilker.net
> Subject: Re:
> Date: Tuesday, June 09, 1998 8:06 PM
> [ This is the Sinclair family discussion list, sinclair@zilker.net.
> [ For more information, see http://www.mids.org/sinclair/list.html
> -------
> Hi, a portion of my line goes into the Hume family which comes from the
> Wedderburn area in Scotland. And in that history it is said that the arms
> of the family of Hume/Home of Wedderburn has four sections, the third
> quarter is the engrailled cross of blue in a field of silver representing
> the family of Sinclair, or St. Clair, of Herdmanston. The Sinclairs bear
> black cross, but in this quartering it is changed to blue by the Homes of
> Wedderburn. This was in the 1300's . There is abit more of a story with
> it if you are interested it I would type it in. Helen St. Clair
> ----------
> From: Claire N. Simmons <c1933s@gis.net>
> To: sinclair@zilker.net
> Subject:
> Date: Tuesday, June 09, 1998 10:57 PM
> I would like to know where those St.Clairs that went to Great Britain
> settled...Is that possible.?.I do know that I am having the greatest
> history lessons via the gen.route
> Claire.
> [
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