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RE: 600 th anniv. of Prince Henry's visit
[ This is the Sinclair family discussion list, sinclair@zilker.net.
[ For more information, see http://www.mids.org/sinclair/list.html
That's not really the point. You have to realize that many of us simply
like the academic exercise. Also, when I discuss this subject with
others at the Games I like to have fact, not conjecture. I can't in
good faith look someone in the eye and say, "yes, this is true" until I
see more concrete evidence.
And, yes, we all know that Leif Erikson got to the New World first.
However, you would be surprised at the number of people that don't know
that. Many don't realize how far south Columbus landed. They seem to
think he landed on the east coast of the US, from approximately
Jacksonville, FL to somewhere in MA. This is why it's important. Most
people have no clue concerning history, archaeology, etc. I work with a
HUGE number of engineers and most of them can't write a grammatically
correct sentence much less give you the dates and facts of history.
Education has taken a serious nose dive.
My mother, an historian by training, sees no point to these discussion
really either. She is much more interested in the architecture of the
Chapel. However, the Chapel, the voyage, and the family are all tied
together. You can't study one without the others and everything must be
completed in an orderly manner. Otherwise, you simply have garbage.
This doesn't mean that everything is not interesting. I enjoy all of
our discussions on all subjects. However, my last message contained
points that I felt had to be made. Accepting all on face-value gets us
nowhere. Thanks for hearing me out. DTR
> -----Original Message-----
> From: W.P.Sinclair [SMTP:wsinclair@clara.net]
> Sent: Friday, May 29, 1998 4:13 AM
> To: sinclair@zilker.net
> Subject: RE: 600 th anniv. of Prince Henry's visit
> on 28 May 98, sinclair@zilker.net wrote...
> >[ This is the Sinclair family discussion list, sinclair@zilker.net.
> >[ For more information, see http://www.mids.org/sinclair/list.html
> >-------
> >
> >At 10:31 AM 5/28/98 -0400, Darwin Ramsey-Styer wrote:
> >
> >>I think Pete Cummings has done an excellent job of getting people
> >>together to discuss this issue of Prince Henry's Voyage. However, I
> did
> >>not have the funds to make a trip to Orkney for simple curiosity.
> >>Therefore, I want copies of these papers which were presented. The
> >>synopses are good in giving me an overview of what was said.
> However, I
> >>want the references for their materials. No one gives a paper
> without
> >>references even though they don't read the references during the
> paper.
> >>They are there lurking in the back on the References Cited page and
> I
> >>want those for my own satisfaction. I think this is all probably
> true
> >>but until I can look these sources up for myself, I will not believe
> it.
> >>This problem could be solved by putting together a publication.
> This
> >
> >>would be a good thing for those of us that couldn't make it as well
> as
> >>the participants.
> >
> >Over the past six months I have had several exchanges of e-mail with
> Josh
> >Gourlay regarding the publishing of the symposium papers. He told me
> that
> >they plan to publish them on the symposium web page, but that he was
> having
> >trouble getting the papers from the authors and did not not want to
> "push"
> >his volunteers "too hard" to get the two introductory papers he had
> >received on the web. In early April I offered to help convert the
> papers
> >to a digital form, but Josh did not respond to my offer.
> >
> >Like Darwin, I would greatly appreciate and enjoy being able to read
> the
> >complete papers.
> >
> >Richard Huseth
> >Austin, Texas
> >[
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> >
> Re this vist of Prince Henry. I have no knowlwdge of this voyage other
> than what
> I have read over the years in books magazines and newspapers. My gut
> feeling is
> that it happened. But I don't think it was such a big deal. I think
> others were
> there before him. Principally the Norse or Vikings. If you are going
> to suspend
> belief until someone comes up with a goatskin with the details written
> on and
> notorised, I think you will wait a long time. I hope the Prince made
> the trip,
> but we may never know. Enjoy the celebrations. If I can get the time
> and the
> fare together and such events coincide I may get over the big pond and
> attend ....William.
> [
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