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Re: Brims and Sinclair
>If the church records state "...... from Brims, does that mean that they
>were from Brims Castle? Or is there a community by the name of Brims? Or
>is Brims = to Brims Ness?
>Do you know?
Good questions. I would think that Brims is the generic area name
and Brims Castle, Brims Ness, etc. refer to specific locales within
that area. But I don't know for sure.
>Also, is there a published listing of gravestone at the cemetery you
Not that I know of. However, let's ask someone who would be more
likely to know. I've copied David Sinclair, editor of the newsletter
of the Clan Sinclair Society in Scotland. Perhaps he can tell us.
There are also others on this list who have been to Caithness many
more times than I have, and some of them may know. I hope they'll
speak up.
>Thank you.
>> From: John S. Quarterman <jsq@mids.org>
>> To: sinclair@zilker.net
>> Subject: Re: Fw: Sinclair genealogy
>> Date: Friday, 17 April, 1998 10:11 AM
>> >Andrea Wilson of Sugartown, (what a Great Name!) Louisiana - I have an
>> >ce map (4 miles to 1 inch scale), and the only Brims I can find is
>"Brims Ness
>> >" which is a point on the north coast approx. 5 miles west of Thurso.
>> >
>> >Also, I received my first ***newsletter from the Clan Sinclair Society
>in Scot
>> >land, and they reproduced an extract from Roland William St. Clair's
>book "St.
>> > Clairs of the Isles" publ. 1898. Under the Chapter "the Sinclairs of
>> > Toftkempp and Thura" they refer to John Sinclair of Brims, grandson of
>> >am Sinclair of Dunbeath, back in 1649. From what I can gather, it is in
>the p
>> >arish of Thurso.
>> Brims Castle is just east of where your map shows Brims Ness.
>> It looks like an old farmhouse. On the point is a cemetery.
>> Some of my ancestors came from there, but I couldn't connect
>> them with anybody I found named on stones in the cemetery.
>> >***For those of you who are interested, membership is only 10 pounds.
>> >hip Secretary is Mrs. Kay Dunnett, Cathel Shieling, Lochcalder,
>Caithness, Sco
>> >tland. The newsletter is quarterly, and very interesting.
>> >They only have approximately 60 members so far - Let's see if we can
>bolster t
>> >hat! For those of you who have traced your ancestors back to Caithness,
>> >might be able to finally connect with a live relative at the other end!
>> >They published a membership list, with addresses.
>> Good idea. Their address may also be found in
>> http://www.mids.org/sinclair/css.html.
>> >Other things of interest - Register House in Edinburg is on the Internet
>- onl
>> >ine service available from 1:00 p.m. UK time, and they recommend you
>have your
>> > credit card ready. The costs were expected to be similar to the
>charges curr
>> >ently charged at New Register House, Edinburgh.
>> > <http://www.open.gov.uk/gros/groshome.htm.>
>> Added to http://www.mids.org/sinclair/trace.html.
>> Thanks,
>> John
>> --
>> John Sinclair Quarterman <jsq@mids.org>
>> President, Matrix Information and Directory Services (MIDS)
>> mids@mids.org, http://www.mids.org, +1-512-451-7602, fax: +1-512-452-0127
>> 1106 Clayton Lane, Suite 500W, Austin, TX 78723