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Re: public Sinclair mailing list
Paul, et al.,
>It was good to see your note on this subject in my mailbox today. I
>was really glad to hear the continuing interest in pursuing this! As
>I mentioned in our email a few weeks back this was something that I
>was planning to set up and would be happy to do it but certainly
>claim no vested interest in the idea.
It's an idea that's been going around for some time.
My main interest is just to get it done so we don't have
so much duplication of effort as we've been having with the
various smaller lists.
I've set up the list, and this message is going to sinclair@mids.org.
That address actually forwards to sinclair@zilker.net, which is the way
I've got various previous lists set up. The reason for doing it that
way is that I know the copy of Majordomo on zilker.net is very stable.
> My plan was to make an
>announcement of it in the next "announcement" type newsletter that I
>put together and use that to encourage anyone interested to sign up.
Please do announce it.
>But if you would rather set it up, that's great. Just let me know.
>Either way, I'll get a note on it in the next update that I put
>together. I've enjoyed following the entries to the Guest Book at my
>web site and the relatively high degree of activity there led me to
>think that a list server might be well received.
I believe you're right.
>If I set it up, I would hope to be able to announce that persons such
>as yourself, Pete Cummings, and David Sinclair Bouschor would be
>subscribed to it.
The initial suscription list is:
David Sinclair Bouschor <haggis@skypoint.com>
Pete Cummings <henry1398@aol.com>
"Paul Sinclair" <sinclair@kingcrest.com>
"John S. Quarterman" <jsq@mids.org>
All of us except haggis (haven't heard from him yet)
have expressed an interest in being on this list.
If anyone wants off or does not want their name mentioned in
the various announcements of this list, please speak up now.
> Certainly not with any intention of suggesting that
>any of you would be planning necessarily to respond to posts on a
>regular basis. But rather just to lend some sort of credibility to
>the undertaking. I have always been quick to announce that I do not
>hold myself out as having any genealogical training or background, or
>any credentials whatsoever in matters Sinclair other than my own
>interest in the subject.
I mostly only know my direct Sinclair line, and such earlier
material as Pete Cummings has told me or I've found in various
books we all have access to. I also make no claime to be a
genealogical expert. This is another good reason for setting
up this list: so those of us who aren't experts aren't left
holding the bag for questions we can't answer.
> My interest in developing the Web Site I've
>been working on has been as much for my own education as anything.
>And as it turns out, I can state categorically that I have learned
>far more from the various notes and letters I have received as a
>result of the Web Site than anyone has ever learned from it!
Same here.
>My thoughts are the same as yours: it should definitely be a
>closed list. My intention would be that it be unmoderated.
It's set up as you described.
> My time
>frame was sort of along the same lines as you suggested. I was
>thinking that an announcement around the Christmas holiday would be
>great as everyone is sort of thinking of family anyway during this
>time of year. And with the Prince Henry anniversary coming up in
>1998, that serves as a natural source of discussion and interest to
>help get the list off the ground.
Good idea.
John S. Quarterman <jsq@mids.org>
President, Matrix Information and Directory Services (MIDS)
mids@mids.org, http://www.mids.org, +1-512-451-7602, fax: +1-512-452-0127
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